Saturday, November 22, 2008

Well you can't quit for so long sometimes:

1) I want to play casually
2) the Raid content for naxx is back and easy mode apparently
3) Death Knight Hero class something else to play besides my main class.

So instead of Quitters ... its the failed quitters at this point.

:) Oh well.

It was a good year of not playing but hand it to the Xpac to bring you back.

There was people who tried to get me into the other MMO's but its a failure because who wants to go back to levellign a toon from 0-80. Or whatever level is the highest.

Friday, January 18, 2008

World of Warcraft

This is pretty funny. Night Elf pimp and Gnome Hooker. :P

Parody of all the cool commercials. The parodies are the best though.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure to play wow again, kind of sucks. I still need to be more productive with my life. Although I pretty much switched all my wowing to watching tv. (SVU) and working on programs. Well trying to. :) hahah

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wow still not playing ....

Still not playing wow ... trying to find other things to do with my life that is more productive. I think that my goal in wow was to actually learn the LUA coding techniques, and get familiar with the macro programming. :) ... it just seemed fun to create some UI elements for Wow. But I never had a chance to really try it.

I looked at code but that's pretty much it.